Thursday, September 3, 2015

A couple more videos

Here are a couple more videos that I have hosted on VidMe because they don't seem to have the same copyright stick up their ass that YouTube does. I call this one the lost files!! I filmed it years ago and just forgot about it. I think it was when I was starting to have major problems with YouTube so I didn't want to even waste time posting it. This one is a video I did shortly after moving my DJ gear into my apartment and after being off the tables for a while! I've since actually moved again.... As of now, the tables aren't in the new place yet.....

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


 The next one is one I did after hearing about some friends going to an LMFAO concert. Not the best mix, but it was fun! 
 Warning, the next one has a LOT of bald spot in it! You'll notice, after that one, there are NO more at that angle!! 
Best for last? You decide and let me know. I uploaded at random. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Welcome to the blog of DJ White Hot AKA Robby. If you're here you've either searched the DEPTHS of the internet and have been online long enough for a cross country journey, or the more likely scenario, you know me somehow. I tried building a Tumblr site a couple years back as a place to consolidate all of my videos from YouTube and Facebook, but for some unknown reason half of them stopped working. I am going to see if I can attempt that here. And bonus that this is a Google owned site. (if you know me, you know I'm a Google fanatic!!) Please feel free to email me with any questions or suggestions. Thanks!!